Be a Cosmic Channel

Impressions of a seeker

Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash

It was way back in 1997 when I was newly married with ample time on hand  and an active curiosity about the mystical. I had this deep knowing that  there was something more to this mundane life, that we all had some  unique and personal way to approach life, that inner niggling that somehow  we were at the precipice of change. I suspected we were interfacing with life  with an influence of forces and patterns beyond our conscious awareness. 

So, I turned to books. 

There HAD to be information out there that could shed light on this inner questioning. The phenomenon of Seek and you shall find led me to  some amazing books. Great channelings and insights far-fetched and  bizarre for its times. I remember reading books that no one had heard of and were not available in bookstores. I am certain the books found me. The books were a fascinating read and intrigued me greatly. 

It wasn’t about believing them, but about a healthy curiosity about how  time is unfolding for our planet and human consciousness. 

It was about a few years later that it became apparent, that we were in  cathartic, dynamic and chaotic times. The impact of events was far reaching, global and yet personally chaotic. 

There was a burst of creativity, more conflict, globally fluctuating financial dynamics, power struggles, relationships and trust issues. Fear, scarcity  and greed all equally became a global phenomenon. The world was now  more connected than before. An event in one part of the world had  cascading effects all over the world. 

Things started to change and shift so quickly, that before humanity had a  chance to comprehend and adjust, another event or change would be upon  us. 

Slowly, over time, I can see we have accepted or adjusted to the “fast and unpredictable” changes globally, yet we struggle personally in most part.

A sense of overwhelm is more common than onerealises. 

While the information of what is likely to occur or how the planet was going  through a certain phase was available, I was unable to have any  information as to how we all can navigate through such times. 

It is years later, I can say I have come across someone who can help  navigate through such chaotic times. Not only survive it, but become  functional irrespective of the times. I would go as far as saying we may very  well have sutras which are simple, intelligent and practical to not just thrive  but to seize the opportunity to make an evolutionary leap. 

Quanto Shivo, through his insights, experiences and the ability to brilliantly  decode ancient wisdom and bring it into relatable, doable and functional  purpose is something I wish all people can have access to. 

We all are in relentless pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain and  unpleasantness. We are also probably aware that this pursuit is set up for  failure. Pleasure and pain are cyclic and only a state of bliss or better  described as Ananda, irrespective of life polarities is a worthy goal. 

We hear this, and yet, it’s something that evades us constantly. Perhaps,  it’s not completely understood, too complicated and largely remains like a  carrot on the stick that we race towards and never get to. 

The power of Now is such a revolutionary invitation and almost impossible  to grasp for most of us. Again, for many like me, this remained a beautiful  philosophy and an equal impossibility. 

Who am I? Not just where but what is God? What is it to live in the present  moment? What does Trust truly mean? How do I live in harmony with life? There is a treasure of answers and clarity to be found to every question that  we can think of and Quanto Shivo is likely to bring you clarity. 

I read his preview book containing glimpses of his forthcoming book Be A  Cosmic Channel In The Era Of Chaos. This book is easy to understand  and one of the most relatable books for a common man through uncommon  times. It brings forth real human emotional conditions, real struggles within  ourselves and that we perceive around us. That is what makes him so  relatable and authentic. The book offers priceless insights. More than that, for me personally, the book became the space of complete presence,  utmost acceptance and space of an all embracing love.

It is not just another mental exercise of fixing what we see as imperfect or  wrong. It throws up a visual for me: The centre of a massive storm. Through  the storm, the centre is still and calm. The words, the journey with Shivo is  that centre. I have always observed that in Shivo’s presence, all are  acknowledged. All are accepted. All are loved. 

And all then is invited to know that they are All. 

-Radhika Chopra.

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